Warner Brother’s Sound Stages became an icon to Los Angeles’ stylistically-ambiguous architecture. They appeared in every WB movie introduction, with its corresponding sound resonating to people world wide. In this sense, they were a specific building typology, native to LA’s city fabric. Warner Brothers contributed to the rise of Hollywood, which infamously marketed Los Angeles as a place of dreams and ambitions. In a very young city, with few building being older than 100 years - it became a historic landmark. Therefore, when Warner Brothers sold their land in 2030, the winning bid was a proposal by a hybrid bid from both a private and public company. In essence, the walls and the grid of the Warner Brothers Film Lot were to remain. This posed an interesting architectural question: How do we build around, within, perhaps above, an existing almost city-like grid?
Spring 2022
Instructor: Kutan Ayata
Partner: Wei Qiu